by James Arnett


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The SHEMA THESIS app is a verse-by-verse walk-through the Book of Revelation that defines all of the variables of the symbolic metaphors, using only the building blocks of Scripture for the clearest and most faithful Biblical interpretation possible.No other study guide for the Book of Revelation provides concrete answers from the Scriptures, line by line, to form an in-depth Bible study that defines each and every verse of the Revelation, making the prophecy fully understandable so you will know more than any expert.Within the SHEMA THESIS App, you will find comprehensive and concrete Scriptural answers to:1. The Mystery of bodily Salvation in Jesus Christ2. The Key to the Structure of Revelation 3. The Seal of God4. The Mystery of God from the foundation of the world5. The Mystery of the Dragon, the Beast, and False Prophet6. The Visible Appearance of the Seven Trumpets and Vials7. The moment the Seven Trumpets sound8. The moment the Seven Vials of Wrath commence9. The Mystery of the Resurrection of all mankind10. The Mystery of Iniquity11. The Mystery of Babylon12. The Appearance of the Antichrist in the flesh13. The Mark of the Beast14. The Nephil'im named in Revelation15. The Armies of the Beast16. The nature of the battle of Armageddon17. The identity of Two Witnesses18. The Armies of Gog and Magog19. The Unforgivable Sin20. The Sign of the coming of the Son of Man21. The Testimony of the Holy SpiritAdditionally, several Books of Prophecy are included, that at one time or another, were suppressed by religious authorities for prophesying the coming of Jesus Christ centuries before he came in the flesh.Also included are many of the writings of Sir Isaac Newton, who dedicated more of his life to Biblical prophecy than he dedicated to the sciences, for which he is most renowned in the world.In a world full of confusion, fear, noise, and a great volume of false prophecies, the SHEMA THESIS is a small, still voice, clearly stating the word of the Lord, that same Word, spoken by Moses, Jesus, the Apostles, and the Prophets since the beginning keep the Shema, and live.MARK 12:29...Hear O Israel: The Lord Our God is One Lord.